There are a few issues that have people rattled lately and one of them is "Why do the kids have iphones?" If they are so sheltered and so focused on their faith why on earth would any of them but the very oldest of them like John-David and maybe Jana need cellphones, and even then why would they need iphones? Don't they have the internet and the Duggars don't like the internet aren't they being hypocritical? Well I'll address that. Plus, iphones are expensive, and the Duggars are frugal--well I have answers for that too.
Well here are a few ideas, since none of us will ever know the truth, we can sure offer up some conjecture that makes darn good sense:
a) there are 17 people in a house and with landlines, can you imagine the wait to call their friends? Yes they are allowed to have friends! During the episode with them introducing Josie on the "Today" show, Jinger said she called her friends to ask if they noticed her taking Jordyn off camera when Jordyn got fussy. So there's one reason why--they call their friends.
b) so they can keep track of each other--right now they are a bit scattered--Josh has moved out and married, John-David and Joseph are living back at their main home in Springdale and Mom and Dad are frequently at the hospital. This way they can all keep track of each other, support each other, and just call to say "I love you" and "please pick up some milk on the way home."
c) as for them being iphones and having the internet--just because a cell phone offers an application doesn't mean you have to have it activated. I have a simple Motorola Razr (yes oldschool!) that offers camera and internet access. We don't pay for either service, therefore we don't get either service. My phone simply places and receives phone calls--imagine that! You can do that with an iphone too! Since we've seen them texting I'm willing to bet that they have the texting feature. But that doesn't mean they have internet. If they do, you can bet it's filtered to within an inch of it's life! You can filter iphone internet, just ask Dave Ramsey! The Duggars allow only about 75 approved websites on their home computers and if someone wants to go beyond those, they have to get the password entered by either Michelle or Jana and then have someone sitting with them to chaperone while they are "going rogue." There is no way their iphones are internet capable without being highly filtered.
d) as to where the iphones came from that could be anywhere---the Duggars have a cellphone tower on their land--is it an ATT tower? do they get free minutes? Did the phones come from ATT as a product placement for the show? Did TLC give them the phones to use as part of the production only to use during production, afterall Jim Bob is listed as a Producer, that offers some perks. Or they could have been purchased used, reconditioned, and they may be the original old style iphones, not the new fancy ones. No one has seen them up close.
e) also texting each other within the family especially can be cheaper on a phone plan than actually niece's plan has unlimited texting but very few calling minutes and she prefers you text you just never know what they have, who is providing it, and what the thought process is.
It could be a temporary situation while they are in Little Rock. The phones you see the kids using could be "family phones" not each kids own phone, as well. Just because you saw Jinger using a phone and Josiah using a phone doesn't mean they each have their own phone.
Once again, just because the Duggars are believers in the literal translation of the Bible, doesn't mean they have to live as if it was still that time in history. They can dress in modern, if modest clothing, they can drive cars, they can have a nice home, they can use medicine and doctors, and they can appreciate modern technology. Even Charles Ingalls appreciated advancing technology when he had his wheat harvested and he did buy his wife a sewing machine!
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This was a discussion on Duggars without Pity and Discovery. No it doesnt mean they own the phones You can also get some phones free with contract service. Sometimes I wonder if they are just trying to portray them more normal because of comments regarding kid's freedom. the siutaion with Josie may make them necessary since they are apart more.It oculd be any of the reasons above.
ReplyDeleteI got a pay as you go phone which suits me since I dont use them much.
I honestly do see what the big deal is. Way back in the early 1 hour specials Josh had a cell phone on his belt. Why is this such an issue with people?
ReplyDeleteAny decent parent would keep their children from questinable websites. I defnd the DUggars in this aspect.I read another article that mentioned the number of teen boys and porn had increased dramaticlly because of internet usage. The author witnessed the increae at counseling sessions. Even disturbing the kids are getting younger and younger that view this material. Add the fact they can now send pics throgh cellphones. However, the legal adults should have more control of their activities.
ReplyDeleteBlogger needs a comment edit feature. In response to my last comment I know indecent material isnt the only thing the Duggars block. Fundamentalists are very carefully not to let conflcitng views slip in their children's mind. the Internet and Tv together can be valuable learning tools if used correctly.It enabled me to dig deeper into the Duggar beliefs for better understanding (though not agreement). If werent for the internet I may have never heard of them.
ReplyDeleteHey Marybeth! I finally figured this "bloging thing" out. I have to play catch up. Didn't realize people think it's a big deal the kids have iphones. Well, I'm glad!! JB probably gets a HUGE discount from verizon for that tour on his property. There are some kids out there who don't have a clue about cell phones and texting. Those are the ones who are even more interesting.
ReplyDeleteThe Duggars have always been soooooo careful to filter the internet from their kids that the idea that they would just hand over non-filtered iphones to their kids is just preposterous! That was the point I was making to everyone who thinks the Duggars having iphones somehow goes against their beliefs and makes them hypocrits.
ReplyDeleteEither that or they are hypocritical because iphones are expensive, and since no one has proven how the Duggars received them, I refuse to believe they paid full price for them.
ROFL JimBob pay full price for ANYTHING? God himself will come smack JimBob first.... (sorry couldn't resist)
ReplyDeletei myself have an iphone, and i will say that you cannot purchase the iphone wtih the data (internet) package. i dont know what sort of limits the parents can put on their childs phone though. although i personally have a feeling that most of the older ones wouldn't even think about breaking the rules. they know the rules are there to protect them.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Dave Ramsay you can get software to block internet on the iphone--filter it beyond an inch of its life. So I'm sure the Duggars do that. Even though they do have adult children who are capable of making their own decisions, we have no idea who provides the iphones, where they came from or who pays for them. If Jim Bob and Michelle are paying for them, then they have the right to block (filter) the internet. If the adult children are paying for them, then their parents still have the right to impose some rules on them since they do still live under their roof (you live under my roof you do as I say.) But I still don't see any of the Duggar kids surfing porn, even if they had the opportunity.
ReplyDeleteI think this is the one Dave Ramsey talks about. If not it does the same thing, on the phones, and on the comps.
Willing to bet Jim Bob negotiated free cell service and/or free phones for himself and the older children when they wanted to put the cell tower on his land. LOL
ReplyDeletemrs P
Not if it was a Verizon tower--it's not until this summer that iPhone will be allowed for other carriers. (Technically, there is a hacking procedure that one could do once the iphone is acquired, but I don't see the Duggars doing this.)
ReplyDeleteFirstly, JB could get phones under company packages since there's so many people,( he and josh own bussiness.) That could save a lot too. Many of the older kids drive, they need phones to communicate ! iPhones have GPS, that's useful. The children could have gotten the Phones on their birthday. I see no reason not to pamper themselves once in a blue moon. If they can afford, I see no reason to judge them. If you spent in one area, you save from somewhere else.