Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What Happens Now?

A great deal has happened since I last posted to this blog. The biggest thing is that I'm no longer a Duggar fan. That interest has waned and I'm actually quite disgusted with the whole family. I find Josh Duggar's new job in DC to be appalling. Now that he has a job with a hate group, frankly I think their show needs to be pulled from the airwaves. On screen they are loving and caring and full of smiles. Behind the scenes they support hate and anti-woman legislation, decry science, and teach their children that they aren't good enough. Probably the biggest thing that's happened with me is that I've become an atheist. I am still very Jewish--you don't stop being Asian if you decide to be an atheist, any more than you stop being a Jew. I just do not buy into the whole god thing. Frankly I'd rather be responsible for my own successes and failures. Why and how? Well I've found that after I gave up believing, nothing changed. Prayer didn't help, lack of prayer didn't change. It's about doing and being. I find it very repugnant to tell a gifted musician that has practiced 20 years that the talent is a gift from god. No the talent was 20 years of dedicated practice, devotion, love of the instrument, and plain and simple hard work. And that is just the beginning. Josh Duggar is a vile and loathsome human being. His twitter feed is full of hypocrisy and a clear display of what a lack of education does for the world. The world is moving forward. The Duggars will become much like the Amish, in that they may continue their way of life for generations to come, but they will cease to have any affect on the real world around them. Gay marriage will one day soon be the law of the land. Choice and women's health care rights will continue to stand. Science will continue to advance. The world will move forward with out them, leaving them and their kind behind in the dust.


  1. I'm glad this blog is done. Sola Dei Gloria.

  2. I feel the need to explain more my last comment as it may be seen as a put down. My point was that if your heart is not in something, their no reason to continue with it. That being said I support the Duggars 100% (95% may be more accurate).

  3. MaryBeth? Were you born a Jew? I am sorry to hear that you have become an atheist. I am assuming that your marriage has ended? I am reading your blog for the first time. I am just wondering how you found and lost Judaism. I too am Jewish. I am not Orthodox. Please tell me (if you know) how the Duggars feel about Judaism? That is what I was googling when I found your blog. Also what is Josh's Washington job? I hope you find peace. Thanks for answering if you find you could.

  4. Since you're Atheist now, will your sons be remaining intact?

  5. What happened in your life to make you so angry with God?

    1. This statement, whether you know it or not, is insulting. To imply that simply because one no longer believes in "God", something must have "happened" is just.... terrible. Perhaps Marybeth searched her self and her beliefs and realized God wasn't one of them.

      I almost always hear this question asked when someone who was once a believer says they no longer are. And every time, I cringe. It doesn't take some awful life event for someone to decide they don't believe in a god. I know it does happen that way, but it's also true that people FIND faith and religion in times of great strife, the question makes no sense.

      Asking "Why don't you believe?" is much more considerate than "What happened?"

    2. ^^ This statement is so true. I know several people who are atheist now, but often get annoyed, or even hurt, when asked that.

      I myself, simply don't believe in any organized religion, nor Jesus. I choose, from my own pure stubbornness, to still believe that a higher power exists. But thats just me.

      I'm not "angry" nor did anything "happen" its just something thats come as I've grown in my college education and myself, I challenged my beliefs, and found they didn't match who I was anymore.

  6. As much As I agree with the above blog entry, how is it that people flip- flop about that disgusting family? They atpre just as big a train wreck as the Kartrashians, all fame w***es..only these ones dress and act like they're in the 19 th century! Wish they would go away already! We're hungrily waiting for one of them to come out of the closet or date/ marry someone from another race ( gasp)! All a bunch of low lives.

  7. I'm not angry....cannot be angry at something nonexistent .....I'm almost 45 and have doubts we will have more children so the subject if circumcision isn't relevant .....and no I'm not divorced, happily married with a beautiful 7 yr old daughter....I'm still Jewish and still,planning on retiring to Israel....I just don't believe in god....

  8. As for the duggars and Judaism.....they filmed a trip to Israel and made it seem like a Christian country....they did nothing there you go, make up your own mind

  9. Please change your mind about atheism. God is real, he is! Don't lose faith, go to Living Waters ministry and watch the Are You a Good Person Video

  10. just found your blog… just thought it ironic you last posted a year ago and was wondering your thoughts now.
