Saturday, July 31, 2010

Duggar Season Five: What Do You Hope to See?

It's that time again, the time we've all been waiting for: a new season of the Duggars is about to begin! I admit that season four ended, for me, a bit anti-climatically. A lot of us had hoped for some kind of announcement, some revelation, and that never came. It was nice, though, that things ended calmly. Season four was hard for me to watch--the constant reminder that something wasn't right--that something could go horribly wrong at any moment--was difficult to endure.

Now that things appear to be on an even keel with the Duggars, Josie is home in Springdale and we're told she is happy and healthy, it's time to move on to a more cheerful time in their lives. We hope.

The Duggars are not a family that sits idly by, watching the world pass in front of them. They are clearly the type of family that is out in the world experiencing everything they can. That's one of the things I love about them. They are the type of family you can live vicariously through, and they don't mind it if you do.

So now that a new season is about to begin, what are you hoping to see? Some are hoping for a new pregnancy for Anna. I myself am more excited for a wedding announcement--or two. I would love to see a Duggar/Bates wedding with Jana. And maybe John-David. Something that occurred to me, that I haven't heard mentioned yet, is another Duggar/Keller wedding. Anna's sister spent a LOT of time visiting--is it possible a romance brewed between her and a Duggar? I've mentioned this before, but no one has commented--what about the Wilsons?? They have a son, or maybe two, that seem to be...older...Josh's age or maybe John-David's age. Is there a possibility that a Wilson and a Duggar could match up?

I would like to see the older ones out pursuing their dreams. Whatever those dreams might be. Although I doubt filming them going to school would be all that exciting to watch. Maybe just a casual reference to it would do. I think it is important to remember that just because we aren't shown it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. They seem to take great care in packaging the show so that we see only specific things. I understand that: it's a theme-driven show and not a blanket reality show, they do want to give the kids some semblance of a life separate from filming, and some things just don't have all that much entertainment value.

As we begin the count down to Season Five, tell us what you hope to see!


  1. a wedding or baby are always fun and happy times. selfishly I really want a Bates wedding.

  2. LOL I think we ALL really want a Bates wedding!!!

  3. I think this coming season we will see the aftermath of having a micro preemie. The Dr visits the physio therapy and the day to day work it takes to make a family work with a micro prem home. I hope we see more of Anna being open and comfortable in front of the camera and I can't wait to see Josh and Anna's little one start crawling and growing.

  4. I only want to see weddings or babies if that is what the couple involved truly want at this time in their life. I do NOT want to see weddings, babies, courtships, jobs, etc that are being rushed into for the sake of the TV season. We are talking about everyday people here, and a lot of teenagers and young adults.
    I WOULD like to see the young adults furthering their education, spreading their wings, moving off into their own lives - in their own homes, leaving JB and Michelle to raise their own children. Would that be happy times for any of them... maybe not, but that separation period is often difficult for all involved. Lots of angst in growing up.
    I'd like to hear how Josh and Anna have set the rules differently for their lives than JB and Michelle,and see how that really flies with the the Duggars and the Kellars.

  5. Hate to be the rotten apple in the basket...but I'm NOT interested in anyone getting married right now. JB married Michelle so early because her family was moving to NC. He didn't want her to leave. Yes, I believe they would have married eventually, but not as teens. Josh barely waited until Anna's 20th birthday. How many of you want to bet Josh didn't want to wait that long? I hope marriage is a few more years down the road. What's the rush? (Not saying anything is wrong with marrying young.)

    It has been a while since the older kids have opened up...and just talked to the camera. I'm not saying they should bare their souls. It would just be nice to ask "new" questions with "new" answers. I want to know who decided to travel to Asia? Will some of the others go as well? Do they have new recipes? Did ALL of them get chicken pox...even the camera crew? Just a few thoughts. :)

  6. Frankly if we see a Bates wedding I want the Bates to be marrying some one BESIDES a Duggar, some one they met around town, or off at college, or at camp...

    Frankly families that are good friends can have that friendship ruined when they intermarry cause then then invariably take sides on any argument the couple has and it tends to go down hill from there.

  7. I would like to see JimBob correctly quote a Bible verse.

  8. anon 8/7...hahaha very funny :) being Jewish i admit that i have no basis to counter your i am not familiar with the New Testament...and i have noticed that they seem to focus more on that then the Old one...but i doubt very much that the NT is full of hillbilly accents

  9. Anon... you and me both, I swear people if you are going to make it the basis for which you live your life the very LEAST they could do is freaking memorize it correctly...

  10. I've not heard anyone mention this, but I am wondering about John-David and Priscilla Keller. I know that Priscilla is a little older than JD, however that could be a good thing, bringing more maturity. Several of the pictures taken on their Asian mission showed JD and PK in close proximity. Also...although this is no reason for them to court or marry...wouldn't it be nice for Anna to have her sister close by?
